Students Are invited To Request For Sponsorships

This option is only available for those who cannot afford courses.




We have a list of pre-qualified  students available for sponsorship.  Click here to sponsor a deserving student and effect an easy online payment.

If you  would like to make a larger sponsorship, please email or use our contact form by clicking here.  We will call you back to discuss.


Students are invited to request for sponsorships should they not be in a position to afford to register for courses.


Please note, this option is only available to those who cannot afford courses.


Results of 2022 Sponsorship Programme:

A pilot sponsorship programme of courses was implemented by FEMSSISA and the Virtual .School of Africa in 2022.  The solution is based on the provision of online courses.

The Programme yielded the following results: Students who used the course more than 5 times showed excellent marks with 10 A symbols being achieved from 26 subjects including a single student who achieved 7 distinctions with a 94% aggregate.

Students, please complete the following details.

    Click here to view the Terms and Conditions